SpecialistsMAT is pleased to offer best in class treatment for Hepatitis C.
How serious is Hepatitis C? If left untreated, Hepatitis C will likely be fatal within 20 years. If left untreated, the average person will infect up to 20 other persons in their lifetime.
Patients with Hepatitis C can elect to receive state of the art treatment, and it is all accomplished from the offices of SpecialistsMAT. That is right! When you come for your appointments to meet with your Suboxone providers, a second appointment will be made that same day. A case manager from SpecialistsMAT will be assigned to your case and will walk you through the process step by step. In most cases, the treatments last 3 months. The medications are well tolerated, and there is a 98% cure rate.
What is required of you, the patient? In most cases, your appointments will be at the same time you see your Suboxone providers. Most blood work is done in our lab on site, and 3 samples of blood are usually given over 4 months. Your case manager will follow your progress and serve as a liaison with our team. Your medication will be available for you on site at SpecialistsMAT. Understanding the requirements of our program is very important as the medications used to combat Hepatitis C are very expensive and insurance companies only give a specific time window for your treatment to be completed.
So do this for yourself and do it for the ones you love!